Work Analysis & Conditioning
Serving the greater Birmingham area.
Providing injury prevention and employer consultative services.
Locally owned and operated by experts in the field.
Women owned business.

About CapacityLAB
A place where work rehabilitation can be fun!
At CapacityLAB we have a passion for creating the right environment for clients to feel welcome, yet challenged to reach their capacity.
Workers are our first priority. Improving capacity...improving quality of life.
That's our goal!

CapacityLAB Story
CapacityLAB was created based on the founders’ extensive experience in worker rehab. Jill Page and Laura Patton are joining together establishing a Center of Excellence, focusing on work analysis and rehabilitation. This specialty is a passion for both of them. All of their efforts will be focused on this population.

Our Design
Full work shop for job simulation with separate lifting stations for each client
Cardio and weight training area, large enough for social distancing
Our work comp specific software tracks daily abilities compared to job demands

Clinic Hours
M-TH 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
F 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
CLICK on "Directions" below for directions to the clinic